Standard Interpretations(Archived) - Standard Number
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- 1910.141 - Clarification of OSHA standards for toilet facilities. - 08/04/1976
- 1910.141 - Heat Initiative: Inspection Guidance - [OSHA Act of 1970 - Section 5(a)(1)] - 09/01/2021
- 1910.141 - Inspection Guidance for Poultry Slaughtering and Poultry Processing Establishments - [OSHA Act of 1970 - Section 5(a)(1)] - 10/28/2015
- 1910.141 - The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the retail industry - [OSHA Act of 1970 - Section 5(a)(1)] - 06/15/2022
- 1910.141 - Updated Interim Enforcement Response Plan for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) - [OSHA Act of 1970 - Section 5(a)(1)] - 07/07/2021
- 1910.141(a)(4)(ii) - Interim enforcement procedures for AIDS, Hepatitis B, and other blood-borne infectious diseases. - 09/08/1987
- 1910.141(g) - Eating and drinking in a pharamacy. - 04/22/1998